Learning More About the Construction Industry

Does Your Carpark Surface Need To Be Better Protected?

It's easy to think about concrete as being an almost indestructible material. It is strong and long-lasting. You could be tempted to think that it will last forever without any maintenance at all. The truth is that concrete certainly is a strong material, but like anything else, it does require care if it is going to last. One thing in particular which can affect concrete surfaces is water damage. When you have a large, flat concrete surface such as the top of a multi-storey carpark then it can be easy for water to gather and to soak deeply into the concrete, weakening the material and corroding any steel placed in the concrete for strengthening. When the water damage is combined with the constant wear of almost non-stop vehicle traffic, it's easy to see why carpark sealing is important.

How carpark sealing protects your concrete

Sealing concrete involves placing a waterproof membrane over the surface of the concrete so that any rain or other moisture that may be in the atmosphere will never get beyond the surface of the concrete. The membrane will also help to keep out oil spillages or any other contamination that could be present on the surface of the concrete helping to prevent damage.

When should you arrange carpark sealing?

Any new carpark or other concrete structure should be sealed to prevent damage occurring but carpark sealing isn't a one-time job. The sealing will need to be repeated from time to time to ensure that all of your carpark decks remain fully protected whatever the weather or outside conditions may be like.

What does carpark sealing look like?

There are various types of sealing agents which you could use to protect a carpark or other driving surface. Whatever you choose will certainly need to be waterproof and durable but it must also be flexible enough to adjust to movements in the concrete without cracking or tearing. In addition to this, you will need to look for a membrane that is able to withstand the constant friction of vehicle tyres passing over it, along with the chemical spills that are nearly always a feature of regular contact with vehicles. One last consideration which you will probably want to bear in mind is the amount of time it will take for the membrane to dry. The more quickly the membrane will dry, the faster you will be able to open the carpark to traffic once again and end the disruption the closure has probably caused.

To learn more about carpark sealing, reach out to a local contractor.