Mass concrete underpinning is one of the many techniques that can be used to strengthen the foundation of a structure. It is often referred to as mass pour underpinning because of the nature of the process itself. There are several advantages and a few disadvantages of using mass concrete underpinning for the strengthening of building foundations. The article below discusses them.
No Need to Evacuate
One of the main advantages associated with mass concrete underpinning is the fact that it can be done without compromising the integrity of the building to such an extent that the building occupants need to vacate the premises until such a time when the underpinning process is complete.
This is because the fresh layer of concrete mass can be poured from one side of the wall which leaves all other walls as steady as they usually are throughout the duration of the underpinning exercise.
Less Need for Excavation
Another important reason why mass concrete underpinning is advantageous is that it does not create the need for excessive excavation into your building's foundation. This is because the underpinning technique is only used on shallow foundations, and its main aim is not to increase the depth of the foundation, rather than to increase its weight-bearing capacity.
Therefore, a relatively small portion of the soil underneath your foundation will be dug out in order to allow for the pouring of the concrete mass. This means that you will have less of a mess to clean up once the underpinning exercise is done.
Site Access
In as much as mass concrete underpinning is advantageous, it is by no means a perfect underpinning technique. In order for the exercise to be successful, there needs to be easy access onto the site in order to allow for the easy transportation of concrete. Mass concrete underpinning can be quite expensive for sites that have access-related challenges, and this is one of its major disadvantages.
Similarly, this underpinning technique often proves difficult in situations where the soil beneath a building's foundation is waterlogged. This acts as a challenge because the presence of excess water underneath the foundation can make it difficult for the wet concrete mix to cure without making the concrete overlay porous.
In waterlogged areas, an underpinning contractor is likely to recommend a different technique as opposed to mass concrete underpinning. All in all, however, mass concrete underpinning is as effective a technique as they can be. Speak with a professional to learn more about underpinning services.