If you're about to build a garden fence for the first time, try to follow some or all of the advice here to ensure that your first attempt at this construction work goes well.
Sprinkle weedkiller on the construction area
If your garden is looking a little bit wild and a lot of vegetation is growing in the areas where the fence panels and posts will be placed, then you should sprinkle some weedkiller on this vegetation a few weeks prior to the day when you plan to build your fence. A lot of weeds and other forms of wild vegetation have tough stems and root systems. As such, if you leave this vegetation in place, you may find the process of inserting the fence posts into the ground very difficult, as they may not fully cut through the weeds' roots and stems.
Trying to force the fence posts past this vegetation could result in you tiring yourself out very quickly and not being able to finish the fence construction as fast as you intended to. Furthermore, if this vegetation is not removed, the base of your structure will be surrounded by ugly-looking weeds, which could give your lovely garden fence an unkempt appearance, in spite of the fact that it is brand new.
Don't let any of your surplus fencing timber go to waste
When building a garden fence, it is always a good idea to buy a little more fencing timber than you expect to use, just in case you accidentally break one of the panels whilst erecting it. If you took this precaution at the start of your building project but did not end up needing the extra panels, then it's important not to let this top-quality fencing timber go to waste. Instead, you might want to try your hand at building something else too.
Because fencing timber is made for outdoor use, it makes sense to build something that should be kept outside, such as a garden bench or a patio table. Seats and tables like this are perfect types of items to make with fencing panels, as panels like this are designed to be flush with one another. As such, you can create a perfectly level patio tabletop that won't cause your drinks to tip over or a level bench seat that will not dig uncomfortably into your legs when you sit down on it.