Extending a nursing home can be challenging, due to the impact that the building of the extension could have on the home's elderly and vulnerable residents. Here are some tips that those involved in this type of project should try to follow.
Minimise the risk of residents with dementia coming into contact with the builders and their equipment
Many elderly residents in nursing homes have dementia. This condition can cause bouts of memory loss and confusion, during which sufferers may act irrationally or aggressively. It is very important for the management team at the nursing home to try to reduce the risk of any residents who have dementia encountering the builders and their equipment whilst the construction of the extension is occurring. The reason for this is as follows; if a resident with this condition wanders over to the area where the builders are working, chaos could ensue.
For example, they may grab or shout at a builder whilst this tradesperson is trying to do a task that requires a lot of concentration (such as cutting construction timber with a circular saw), in which case the builder might flinch and end up injuring themselves. Similarly, if the confused resident picks up a construction tool and holds it incorrectly (for instance, if they hold a saw by its blade instead of its handle), they might cut themselves.
As such, these individuals must be kept away from the builders. In order to do this, the nursing home's management team might have to either lock the doors that lead to the construction area or, if this is not possible, they might need to put up a temporary barrier around the builders' workspace so that the residents cannot access this area.
Schedule the builders' breaks so they occur during the nursing home's visiting hours
If possible, the builders should try to arrange for their breaks to coincide with the visiting hours at the nursing home. The reason for this is as follows; for many nursing home residents, the visits from their loved ones are the highlight of their week. These interactions give them a chance to catch up on any family news and enjoy the company of their favourite people.
However, the activities that the construction team will need to do to create the extension will be noisy, and if their work area is close to the nursing home's communal areas or the residents' rooms, the sounds they make could travel and be heard by those visiting their elderly relatives in these parts of the building. This noise could make it impossible for these people to hold conversations, as they might not be able to hear one another over these sounds. Fortunately, the builders can avoid causing this issue, simply by taking their longest breaks when visiting hours in the home start each day.
For more information, reach out to local builders.