Learning More About the Construction Industry

Land Development: Factors to Consider When Choosing a Foundation

When you buy a chunk of undeveloped land, you can shape it in whatever direction you choose. A standard method of land development is construction. When putting up a building, your foundation is crucial. Here are three factors to consider when choosing a foundation for your construction project.    

The Soil Type

When you are ready to start construction on your building, think about the type of soil that you have. It will affect your choice of foundation. You can get a soil investigation done. The study will check the nature and thickness of both the topsoil and the subsoil. It will also check the soil bearing capacity, groundwater levels, chemicals in the soil as well as structures or hazards in the ground. Checking the soil bearing capacity is vital. It tells you whether the soil can carry your structure without shear damage during settling. Cracks on buildings appear during settling. If the foundation fails, then the building is very likely to collapse. Soil that has a low bearing capacity requires a stronger foundation than soil that has a higher one.    

Loads from the building

Consider the load from the building. Think about the winds, earthquakes, and snow around your property and what sort of pressure they will exert on the foundation. Think about the number of floors you will have in your building. The more storeys your building has, the stronger the foundation should be. Think about the load placed on the foundation when the building is in use. A multilevel parking garage will have to carry a higher load than a residential building with the same number of floors. Materials used, such as reinforced steel also impact the foundation. Think carefully about the use and size of your building and the weather in the region while choosing a foundation.    

The Region

Weather patterns can adversely affect your investment as a land developer. When putting up a building, you need to think about the location. Study the weather and find out the likelihood of natural disasters. You can get information on rainfall on the meteorological department's website. It will tell you the rainfall percentage and frequency of storms. It will also provide you with information on local climate and seismic mapping. You can then pick a foundation that will withstand the natural weather patterns of the area. Ensure that you also find out how weather patterns affect zoning laws in the area.    


Land development is a very profitable investment in this day and age. Consider the above factors when choosing a foundation to ensure your buildings last a long time.