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What to Know about Asbestos Removal for Your Yoga Warehouse

One of the purchases that many yoga studio owners make is a warehouse. This is because warehouse properties are fairly easy to come by and can be found suitable for what a yoga business needs. With some upgrades and improvements, you can create the yoga studio you want. One of the issues you may run into is with asbestos. This is especially true in older warehouses. Here are some things you need to know about the asbestos and the removal. 

Types of Asbestos

There are three main types of asbestos you should be aware of. The first is corrugated. This is used in your roofing areas and some siding. If you have a warehouse with a solid roof, you may find corrugated asbestos there. The other types are sheet and sheathing. The sheet is found in walls and the sheathing is found in false brick areas and shingles. This means you may encounter all three types during your warehouse upgrade.

Concrete Based Asbestos

The area of your warehouse that may have the most asbestos issues is anywhere where old cement is present. Walls, barriers, pillars, and loading docks made with cement may contain asbestos. The concrete may also be encasing the asbestos. As the life of the cement grows, the cement will start to crumble and break down. This crumbling and dust can result in asbestos being in the concrete dust, on the floor, within walls, and surrounding areas. Removing this asbestos may mean tenting the area or having special suits used for the contractors to safely remove it. It will also mean replacing the cement with asbestos-free cement or other forms of building material. 

Removal Options

The removal options for the types of asbestos you may have in your warehouse are fairly straightforward. You can have the asbestos demolished. This would remove all of the asbestos and infected areas. It would also leave you with the need to replace some of the building materials and rebuild those sections if necessary. You can have it removed. The asbestos that is in small amounts can be removed. This option is designed to keep as much intact as possible of the building. Encapsulating will result in a seal placed on the area to prevent the asbestos from leaking out or being removed from normal wear and tear. The last option is enclosure, which means encasing the asbestos or surrounding it so it can not release into the air. 

When you are ready for a warehouse inspection, contact your local contractor. They can let you know if you have asbestos. They can also explain the asbestos removal process so they can answer your questions and help you prepare.